EatRight Foods
More Benefits In Every Bite
P.O. Box 1525 , Nelson , New Zealand
+64 3 546 4501    +64 274 321 515

Product Standards

The EATRIGHT® range of FOODARMACY™, water-lessened, fruit and fungi, prescriptive cereals, curative cookies, createful crackers and inventive bespoke products are conscientiously crafted, with food safe assurances, for those who choose a natural, mild processed, evolutionary diet, buy now.

Because we believe it is important to eliminate chemicals and pesticides from our foods, we use certified organic products and ingredients (third party certified organic by BioGro New Zealand (IFOAM approved)) whenever possible. Although work continues on "the production bill", organic process and organic philosophy continue to be valued and respected. This includes low impact, organic ingredients from microbe diverse soils (storing '28% more carbon') [*] with companion planting, rather than substrate mono-culture restricted growing systems.

Third party verification organisations are also used for labeling [**] compliance (full disclosure upon request). Food Safety verification (certificate number 2699) issued by an International Accreditation NEW ZEALAND (IANZ) third-party inspection body audit, pursuant to the Food Act 2014) issued to Eat Right Foods Ltd at MPI’s highest risk level, for the manufacture, processing, exporting, packing, holding and distribution of food products. Additional audited compliance is to Australian NEW ZEALAND Food Standards Code 2002; CAFTA Model Recall Procedure: Food Australia, 45(7), 313-316 1993; Codex Alimentarius Commission: Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) System & Guidelines Annex to CAC/RCP 1-1969, Revised 2022; Food Regulations 2015 (LI 2015/310), version July 2023 and Fair Trading Amendment Act 2021. Where the independent audit company is ISO 17020 accredited. In addition, global trade standard bar codes (GS1) enable robust, safety and authenticity for the products we produce. Our in-house research lab is used to routinely test for 'brix, acid [^], moisture, PH% etc' as well as 'on site' 'shipment' and 'payment terms'. Supplier test results are used, when available [***].

Our “whole of food chain” non GMO standards includes recognizable ingredients, such as organic stoneground ‘whole’ not “re-constituted whole” buckwheat flour (tested to <20ppm gluten), unhulled and whole seeds, vitamin rich butter (yellow gold color due to higher levels of beta-carotene from year-round free-range cows, no rBGH) [****], organic cocoa, native bush honey (including K?nuka Kunzea ericoides [*****]) and products such as organic soft dried kiwi fruit and apples with unique plant varieties. New Zealand’s strict biosecurity controls ensures few pests and diseases, a “plant paradise”.

New Zealand’s Food and Fiber-Fibre “Good Agricultural Practice (GAP) quality assurance programes provide traceable systems all the way from crop to customer, ensuring confidence in the integrity and provenance of our products” [******]. "Good manufacturing practices" are used including the segregation of ingredients for certified organic, allergen management and bespoke product requirements.

As our network adapts, with flexible on demand sliding scale systems, we are able to offer a diversity of EATRIGHT® more benefits in every bite products. Some of these products are for the outdoor adventurer, orienteerer, search and rescue (SAR), inclusion in multi brand ration packs, and/or in bulk quantities (eg organic or world leading ‘ultra-low residue production’ dried fruit options), so may not to be shown in our online shop. Please contact us for more information.

  • Non GMO, not bioengineered (always), Certified Organic Ingredients (whenever possible). Botanical identification, where possible, to assist with biological diversity and food security issues 
  • Taste "heavenly" EATRIGHT® cookies, crackers, seeded snacks and outshine bars. Food sources NOT over-processed removal then recapture fortifiers or isolates of essentials: vitamins (A, B1 & B3), minerals (IRON, Mg, Zn & K), bio-active (histidine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine [protein quality improvement], threonine, tryptophan, valine and, sometimes, guanine), pre-biotics, enzymes and more...embracing ‘shown’ or ‘proven out’ plant potentiations not lacklustre pill-patent-pattern isolations
  • Product/ingredient (3rd Party Verified): 942100113.... | No nasties | Not mass produced | Mild processed | Certified organics | All non GMO | NZStory# | GRIN Nomen | RDIs | PVRs | NZFSA SD9 | EFSA IDs | Bio-activities | Polyphenol RFs | Enzyme ECs | Phytochem IDs
  • Enhanced life, water-lessened: wild harvested uncommon mushroom mix, kiwi fruit (gold or green; organic, low rot, with optional extras), bruiseless apple rings (organic, soft-dried, *no-wax*, unique-varietals). Always grown outdoors, in New Zealand's *terroir* of ‘more sun (more UVB, more actinism, less etiolate), less pollution, less pests and diseases’ on-the-go formats
  • “Discernible", more memorable, plosive product names are used compared to “difficult to discern” generic ["common"], chemical [synthetic, phyto] or [low "descriptive identity"] neologistic trademark thicketed product name pharmaceuticals
  • FRET FREE flexible food, not fiction, online shopping. No account needed, no fees added, no paywall. NO searching separate pages (tabs or links) for ingredients, nutrition panel, shelf life, pack types, sizes and prices, photos, country of origin etc. One informative, per product, 'detail' page available before you buy
  • Another EATRIGHT® Better Shipper Initiative: ONE Pack Only for ONE Kg “rather than a multi-waste box, bag”, NO container(s) with caps/lids, NO added packing tape. New season 1kg (2.2Lbs) EATRIGHT® Bruiseless APPLE Rings (organic, soft-dried, unique-varietals)
  • NZ dollar price freeze on ALL online shop purchases for well over a decade! NOT water-heavy pricing. (Default currency is $NZ with global currency conversion options) 

ONLINE SHOP   Secure payment, 1-2 day delivery (NZ), no minimums, FREE shipping on orders over $49, satisfaction guarantee

Please let us know if you would like copies of our approvals and certifications

  • New Zealand Food Safety Authority (NZFSA) National Program Level 3 Registration (manufacturer, packer, distributor and [online] 'natural and organic foods' retailer) (food safety (current good manufacturing practices) verification certificate # 2114)
  • Certificate of Manufacture (certificate # 19/24)
  • Free Sales Statement (multiple products); Manual Certification (cert4), November 2022
  • Country specific food facility registrations (NZ#NC000619/1, USA#14859958086) including Harmonized System (HS) Tariff Codes
  • Product and/or pharmacopoeia specifications, certificates, analysis, data sheets etc. Including (but not limited to) organic, Kosher, Halal, allergen, GMP, nonGMO status
  • Product safety record (no history of public product recalls but feedback always "valued" for actionable improvements) 
  • Safety clothing, headwear and footwear requirements
  • GS1 barcode verification reports (GTIN prefix 942100113)
  • 'Open dating', typically best before, date labels applied [distribution dependent applicator]
  • Microbiological (including cryobiological effects), analytical tests, fresh water analysis
  • Nutrition and ingredient testing (including comparative performance of New Zealand's "more sun, less air pollution, fewer pests and diseases" [******] eg kiwi fruit more actinism, more actinidin, specific vitamins in dairy products etc)
  • Allergen (input and output) independent laboratory testing results (eg no lactose <2.5ppm) 
  • Scale calibration records ('minimal' or zero dis-tort-ions)
  • Temperature records (human checks and deciphering): of instant read (-10 to 100 degC) thermometers, precision (38 degC upwards) thermo-meters and less sophisticated instrumentation. See also USPTO design search code # 17 “horological…weights and measures”
  • Refractometer (professional grade) 20 to 80 ?Brix measurements
  • The transparent packaging film layers are food grade approved FCN No. 1818 and compliable EU10/2011; certified by several organizations (in the EU, Nth America and Australia) as OK biodegradeable, home compostable and/or for renewable content.
  • The various product and packaging labels are "from responsible sources", full specifications available upon request.
  • Trademark registrations (ie NZ 676368, 789065, 676367, 1238666; US 3694692 [^^], 3694693, 3045314 (all "incontestable"); AU 1019810; UK 00002445917) and additional active applications
  • Companies Office; certificate of incorporation (CH/1144882, 18th Jun'01)
  • Online price transparency archives
  • Website security SSL (secure sockets layer) certifications

Sadly, there appears to be bewilderment, "a maze of confusion", fatigue and a wide range of other issues due to escalating “seals” of approval, '465 plus ecolabels', certification “badges” etc. Hence, although Eat Right Foods is grateful for past support, we will attempt to distinguish between reputable e-quality over conflicting levels of "social licence" e-quantity.

Eat Right Foods Ltd would like to acknowledge specific New Zealand Government organisations for export growth focused, non-infrastructural grant co-funding, over the years. Organisations include New Zealand Trade and Enterprise (and its merged predecessors TradeNZ and Industry New Zealand eg "Fast Forward Program, Better by Design" and significant others currently ‘parked’), the Callaghan Institute (and its predecessor Technology New Zealand Foundation for Research, Science and Technology: TechNet (expert assistance) Programme (glycaemic response report '02) and Grants for Private Sector Research and Development (nutrient quality and others [†]). Non-financial [non contractual] help received from the Riddet Institute (Centre of Research Excellence, CoRE), Massey University School of Food and Advanced Technology, Malaghan Institute of Medical Research [††], Dr Bramwell Cook, Dr Rodney Ford [†††] and others. Our work continues to convert insights into innovative ("novel, creative, uncertain, systematic, transferable and/- reproducible") products or processes.

New Zealand ranks first equal in the world for food safety, nutrition standards and food safety net programs, is a member of CODEX (international food standards, guidelines and codes of practice) and GLOBAL G.A.P (safe and sustainable agricultural production) [*****].  

[*] New Zealand Organic Report 2010 (pub. Jun’10). Earthworms for inclusion as an indicator of soil biological health in New Zealand pastures by Nicole L. Schon, Patricia M. Fraser & Alec D. Mackay  (pub. Mar ’22) "ERF" support for…"Soil AND Health Association” from, at least, Dec’02

[**] Labeling and composition of foods (various publication dates) and other, country specific, information sources. "Best before" labels are preferred to "sell by" labels since "best before" does not mean throw away after. 

[***] Food New Zealand (pub. Feb/Mar’22) Creating a ‘hybrid’ whole genome sequence p18-21 low-cost, handheld sequencer being used to identify the 40k or more LAB (lacto acid bacterial) naturally occurring strains in New Zealand made dairy products. See also in-vitro probiotic potential of Lactobacillus delbreuckii subsp. bulgaricus F18 isolated from homemade butter; by Sh. Handa & N. Sharma (pub. ’17) and open-access bacterial population genomics: Bacterial Isolate Genome Sequence Database (BIGSdb) software, the website and their applications by Jolley KA, Bray JE, Maiden MCJ. (pub. Sep’18)

[****] Are all butters created equal? (Dec’16); Differences Between (green) “Grass-Fed” in the US & New Zealand (ref Jan’13) “Butter made from pasture-fed milk is more spreadable, with lower rancidity (due to antioxidant vitamins A and E) and more appealing yellow colour and creamy flavour” Physicochemical traits and sensory quality of commercial butter produced in the Azores by Silva, Silva et al (pub. Aug’18) NB. Butter, unsalted (F1050) water content 36.7g/240g (15.3%), Milk, cow, 2% fat, fluid…fortified vitamins A & D & Ca (F1068) water content 214/240ml (89.2%) (NZ Food Composition Database). "milk-&-water...feeble" (Dictionary '52).

[*****] New Zealand Kanuka Honey Has High Levels of Methylglyoxal and Antimicrobial Activity by Shaun Holt, Keryn Johnson, Jason Ryan, Owen Catchpole, Shuguang Zhang, and Kevin A. Mitchell. The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine (pub. Mar’12) Refer also to MGO (methylglyoxal) ratings

[******] Made with "care" global F&B campaign: sharing New Zealand’s food stories with the world (pub. Sep’20) (related article: New Zealand Natural Health Products, Key Messages). Buy-lines including “more sun [^], less air pollution, fewer pest and diseases” and, more recently, “ethical production, pest and disease free produce and grass fed animals". “Target of New Zealand becoming *Predator Free* by 2050”, Department of Conservation (pub. Mar’17) [^] Organic catalysts are dramatically enhanced by ozone, UV light. 

[†] More than one Eat Right Foods Ltd project under "standard for R&D...reporting" “F[r]ascati definition” FOS (field of science and technology) in FM (Frascati Manual) 2002 prior to “Revised FOS” see (pub.Feb’07)  updated 2015 including “process” definition p45. "Risk financing is still a problem for non-technical ventures and for female entrepreneurs [entrepreneuses] who have no credit rating track, whilst governmental programmes are considered to be supportive" The Global Entrepreneurship Monitor Aotearoa New Zealand" (pub. Feb'06) Eat Right Foods Ltd Beachheads Programme Application Jun’08 to ‘license our [EATRIGHT®] brand in the US’ and, for different reasons, Mar’15.

[††] "Getting to the Guts of Food Allergy" (INFLAMMATION and irritation) by Dr Elizabeth Forbes-Blom, Prof Graham Le Gros et al (scope pub. Nov'12) see also "ERF" unpublished draft 12 Mar’14; abbrev. pub. 1 May’14. Related: “Health Innovation Challenge” invitation Jun'09 (keywords: global health, New Zealand capability, chronic disease, delivery transformation, *wellness*, underserved, patient safety, real money, “Almanac of Chronic Disease, 2008 Edition”)

[†††] ‘excessive gluten levels, responsible for not just gut problems but nerve and skin issues’

[^] acid. v.t. 'a. test (in which a. is applied to test composition, quality, &c. (‘gold is one of the few precious metals not affected by the majority of acids’); often metaph.)' (Dictionary definitions). ('palmitate’ is the salt or ester of palmitic acid (component of the oil from the fruit of oil palms)). NB. EATRIGHT® products are sources of essential vitamins-minerals without removal, supplemented add backs

[^^] For the international class 5 registrations (US classes 006, 018, 044, 046, 051, 052), "barriers to entry in this space are high…research is expensive…as is [NZFS MPI "high risk" level (cert. 2699)] approval process" (ref: footnote 315 "Are We Running Out Of Trademarks?" pub. Feb18 by Fromer et al [c/- Frommer et al LLP ref: 2:13-cv-02174 dkt 1-24]. Where EATRIGHT® has "BROAD" applicability in US registration 3694692 "foods adapted for medical purposes". "Nutraceutical is a BROAD term describing foods, food ingredients, and dietary supplements that provide specific health or medical benefits" (ref: the Coriolis Report pub. Jun23, p157)      

Symbol: [*] or asterisk, is used to reference additional material (eg scientific or erudite research), [†] or obelisk, is used to reference material no longer easy to retrieve, [^] or caret, is used to insert additional meaning.

aster, n. Kinds of plant with showy radiated flowers (Gk, = star). asterisk n. A mark of reference (Gk, = little star) asteraceae n. Family includes chicory, sunflower, calendular-marigold, horse-heal etc