EatRight Foods
More Benefits In Every Bite
P.O. Box 1525 , Nelson , New Zealand
+64 3 546 4501    +64 274 321 515

No Added Nasties

Products in the EATRIGHT (trademark) range are distinctive, inventive and nutritious. For instance, we use certified organic New Zealand grown unhulled brank (Fagopyrum esculentum Moench), a herbaceous plant considered a seed or pseudo cereal ('does not belong to the gramineous family') and natural source of rutin [1]. This, and the other neglected, underutilised food crops (NUFCs), non commodity traded and bioprospected [2] ingredients (where possible), is our way of encouraging agrobiodiversity in a food system where “only three (rice, maize and wheat) contribute nearly 60 percent of calories and proteins obtained by humans from plants[*].

As you will discover, the ingredients are grown outdoors with nothing unnecessarily added: no sulphites (eg no E221, photo 'fixing', preservative, dough conditioner); no hydrogenated fats, no added colour (NO -xanthin ‘color added’), no 'bleaching agents' (eg E924-6); no high fructose corn syrup; no sugar alcohols (ie no polyols such as sorbitol, mannitol, xylitol, erythritol, maltitol, lactitol or isomalt); no xanthan gum [**] or free flow agents; no ('quick drying') excipients or fillers; no pulping (ie no added brine) [^]; no candying, frosting, or glazing (“no added white refined sugar”); no heme illusion food (with GE traces) [***]; no (Aspergillus flavus potential) peanuts or peanut buttering; no food whiteners (ie no titanium dioxide nanoparticles etc [****]); no over engineered unidentifiables [2].

No fortification [^^] or supplemental minerals, vitamins or enzymes needed: claimable sources of minerals, vitamins and proteases in the product NOT the ingredient list (NO ‘vitamin A palmitate' or 'vitamin D? added’). The EATRIGHT® nutritious products have “within food” improved functionalities with no pattern-patent(s). So zero delivery mechanisms such as a dropper, pill/capsules, gummies, heavy/fragile bottled liquids, aerosol/spray, alcohol tinctures or shots (often devoid of “aromatic triggers” food provides in precursor of digestion processing [†]). Instead, the “within food” nutrients work proactively with your digestive processes for an improved metabolic release; high in [less refined] beneficial dietary fibre, complex carbohydrates and suitable for a natural, less processed, "evolutionary diet". Shop here.

Certified organic ingredients (or spray free) are used, whenever possible, so no toxic or synthetic pesticides (pre-emptive bio-accumulation care)  [****], no sewage sludge or irradiation used in the growing cycle and no ultra processing (ie no fractionated ingredients, not industrially made). And no (symptom focused) genetic modification technology (ie non BE, not bioengineered, not genetically engineered) [*****]. So, although research is constantly being updated from “certified organic ingredients have higher nutritional content” [††], we look forward to 'clinical trials and additional human cohort studies to confirm the positive health outcomes linked to organic food consumption’ [******].

And, when you purchase your EATRIGHT (trademark) products, you are not paying for a water weighted product. They are good value in holistic $/kg, $/100g, $/ounce (not '$ lb' without '/') weight-measure terms and NO package weight 'downsizing'. And, although there is a recommended serving size, you may occasionally find a makeweight cookie, extra cracker or additional 10ml in your bulk purchases (ie NZ 250ml : US 240ml [household serving size = cup]) to make sure we meet net weight standards.

The EATRIGHT (trademark) Organic Gold Kiwi is now available in thick or thin sliced options. It is unsweetened and soft dried from New Zealand grown, gold kiwifruit vines, in accordance with BioGro internationally recognized and accredited organic standards, so no artificial colour, additives or preservatives. Gold kiwifruit (plant variety rights (PVR) 30746, ‘Zesy002’, US20100333243P1, USPP22355P3) was chosen as it provides a range of naturally occurring vitamins (source of vitamins B6, C & E), minerals (potassium in particular), folate, dietary fibre, antioxidants and plant polyphenols; giving it one of the highest nutrient dense profiles in comparison to other fruits [3]. Scientific research also shows gold kiwi fruit to have unique, wholefood prebiotic action that supports gut microbiome balance for optimal digestive nutrition [*******]. 

Another perennial, nutrient packed, wholesome (portioned) snack is the EATRIGHT (trademark) certified organic soft-slow-dried apple rings (including harvest dependent, New Zealand plant varietals (eg from rootstock M116, USPP18618P2 and others). You will find some of the rings have their outer peel intact, adding further nutrition value. And, importantly, it is “single” ingredient "produce" so no below threshold oil, sulphites or processing aids. Buy now

The EATRIGHT (trademark) Superseeded (version III) Crackers have no added oil, fat or salt (unlike many other cracker products); a good natural source of plant protein; balanced natural source of essential amino acids (phenylalanine and tryosine (AAA), methionine and cysteine (SAA)), natural source of vitamins that contribute to normal macro nutrient metabolism; low in sodium; source of dietary fibre; unhulled selectively partially sprouted (Taenicide, Vermifuge) seeds; include certified organic ingredients and 'hard-to-find specialty spices, peppers' (Candidicide, Fungicide, Paraciticide, Anthelminthic) horopito mix [********]. 

The products have no added (single strain) commercial yeast. And no code altered, vat produced important commitment to our no genetically modified organisms (non GMO) EATRIGHT® products and ingredients.

'Aeration' agents (baking soda E500) are eliminated, lowering sodium substantially, reducing CO? puffery for authentic nutrient intensity. We also use organic no added salt butter, made from pure New Zealand whole cream: a natural suspension of 3–4% dietary butyric acid, natural dietary source of vitamin K2 [*********] or menaquinone (vit. K2 content of heavy cream '587 ± 27.8' mcg/100g [**********] [^^^], higher 'potential' retinol (vitamin A) content (>761mcg/100g), good source of vitamin D (5.2mcg/100g) and a good source of vitamin B12 or cobalamin (0.68mcg/100g) [4].  

Importantly, there is a reduced total sugars content (c/- NDB # 100192 and others) [5] in both cookie products. “Found a cookie that didn't affect my blood sugar (time releasing fibres) and tasted good. That's a tough combo.” Because we use 'ingredients you can pronounce' with no “E” number preservatives (ie no additive code breaker needed, decoding where we can), our products are perishable. So please keep them cool, especially if it is hot and humid, and refresh by warming slightly in the oven. 

You will find our packaging is filled with products (not air or nitrogen “space waste” (although seeds may compact over time)), re[zip]able and no in pack, non-edible, “oxygen absorber” or “desiccant” sachets.; adding less in an over added world. And ‘One Pack Shipping’, no added bag(s) or box needed, for a 1kg pack order of EATRIGHT® Organic Apple Slices. One single transparent pack for one kilogram of air-dried-apples, product label front-of-pack, shipping label back-of-pack. Contents clearly visible for customs clearance. POA. Other selected products and sizes (<4kg) to available, on request.

  • Non GMO, not bioengineered (always), Cert. Organic Ingredients (whenever possible). Germplasm-rich for biological diversity, food security 
  • Sense full EATRIGHT® cookies, crackers and outshine bars with NO iniquitous names. Food, not fiction, [NOT over-processed removal then recaptured fortifiers or isolates] sources of essential vitamins (A, B1 & B3), essential minerals (IRON, Mg, Zn & K), essential amino acids, inherent enzymes and beneficial dietary prebiotics. Low or no lactose, no sugar alcohols, 65% less total sugars, no raising agents. Good digestibility features
  • Non diluted, non polluted: wild harvested non-ubiquitous mushroom mix, organic multi varietal apple and kiwi fruit ready-to-eat (RTE) packs. Grown in the robust outdoor habitat of New Zealand, with more sun (more actinism, more actinidin), less pollution, pests and diseases
  • Ingredient-Product: Phytochem IDs | Enzyme ECs | Polyphenol RFs | Bio-activities | EFSA IDs | NZFSA SD9 | PVRs | RDIs | GRIN Nomen | NZStory#s | non GMO | Certified organics | Not over processed | Non elephantine | Predator-lessened | 942100113....
  • Rethinking patent-less ways to preserve essential micro nutrients and minimize food waste
  • FRET FREE flexible not fixed online shop. No account & no fees added, an easy peasy process. No searching separate: pages tabs or links for ingredients, nutrition panel, benefits, shelf life, pack types, sizes and prices, photos, country of origin. One "Details" page per product.
  • And no NZ dollar website price increases on FOODARMACY products. (Default $NZ (sales tax inclusive); world exchange rates available)
  • Scrumptious EATRIGHT® Super-Seed breakfast Cereal, Muesli or Granola with seven sprouted seeds and micro dose bitter botanicals. Contributes to normal: connective tissue structure; psychological, neurological, cardiac and immune function; iron transport; metabolism; reduces tiredness and fatigue without supple-mental vitamins or minerals added to the ingredient list

ONLINE SHOP   Secure payment, 1-2 day delivery (NZ), no minimums, FREE shipping on orders over $49, satisfaction guarantee

[*] What is happening to agrobiodiversity (pub. ‘99) Agroecology knowledge hub“Your evolutionary diet included a wide variety of plant materials that are no longer generally consumed. And your body, if not your brain, will recognize a positive benefit from them”. Handbook of Medicinal Herbs by James A. Duke (pub. Second Edition. 2002). Source of Protein Tyrosine Phosphatase (PTPase) EC3.1.3.48 is the corn coleoptile or protective sheath covering the emerging shoot.

[†] "Reader’s Digest": A-Z Guide to Safe and Healthy Eating (pub. 1997) p136

[††] Saved from an early versions of this website (original date TBC): The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine 2001;7(2):161. Virginia Worthington, PhD Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore

[**] Xanthan gum (corn sugar gum) additive code: 415. 'Produced by fermentation of a carbohydrate with a bacterium called Xanthomonas campestris'. Additive Code Breaker by Hanssen M (pub. '86). Mechanistic insights into consumption of the food additive xanthan gum by the human gut microbiota by Matthew P. Ostrowski,  Sabina Leanti La Rosa, … Eric C. Martens (pub. Apr’22)

[***] Op-ed: Fake Meat Won’t Solve the Climate Crisis by Philip H. Howard (pub. Apr’22) See also  

[****] Food Additive or Carcinogen? By Mikaela Conley (pub. Jun’22); Innovation and Ignorance: How Innovation Funding Cultures Disincentivise Endocrine Disruption Research by Bruning, Jodie R (pub. Mar’21); Neonicotinoids pose undocumented threats to food webs by S. D. Frank and J. F. Tooker (pub. Sep’20)

[*****] "the biggest advances have again come from traditional plant breeding not genetic engineering"; “Definitive historical account” (pub. Mar'22)

[******] Integrated Soil and Crop Management in Organic Agriculture: A Logical Framework to Ensure Food Quality and Human Health? by 37 authors (pub. Dec’21)

[*******] The Goodness of Kiwi Fruit Health

[********] “A health perspective on the role of the environment in One Health”, Document # WHO/EURO:2022-5290-45054-64214 (pub. Jun’22) See also One Health Aotearoa with Leptospirosis, also called Weil disease, is the most common zoonotic infection in the world” By Sicong Wang; Megan A. Stobart Gallagher; Noel Dunn (last updated May’22) And “Tropical Plants Yielding Clinically Useful Drugs;. Species: Andrographis paniculata Nees (Acanthaceae); Drug: Andrographolide, Neoandrographolide; Action/Clinical Use: Bacillary dysentery” by Farnsworth, N. R. & D. D. Soejarto. 1988. With “Indications (Creat) Leptospirosis (2; KEB) Indications (Dokudami) Leptospirosis (1; FAY), Indications (Japanese Honeysuckle) Leptospirosis (1; FAY)” by Duke, J. A. et al. 2002. Handbook of medicinal herbs.

[*********] Vitamin K2 Needs an RDI Separate from Vitamin K1 by Asim Cengiz Akbulut, Angelina Pavlic, Ploingarm Petsophonsakul, Maurice Halder, Katarzyna Maresz, Rafael Kramann and Leon Schurgers (pub. Jun’20)

[**********] Multiple Vitamin K Forms Exist in Dairy Foods by Xueyan Fu, Stephanie G Harshman, Xiaohua Shen, David B Haytowitz, J Philip Karl, Benjamin E Wolfe and Sarah L Booth (pub. Ju’17)

[^] Common Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris (Fabaceae) (L vulgus the people) includes Green Bean, Black Bean, Dark Red Kidney, White Kidney (Cannellini), Haricot, Pinto etc. Activities: anticataract (alpha-tocopherol, ascorbic acid, luteolin, methionine, niacin, riboflavin, rutin, selenium, thiamine, zinc); antiretinotic (alpha-tocopherol, ascorbic acid); antiretinopathic (magnesium); diuretic (2; PHR, KOM); *longevity* and many others. Phytochemicals: Boron 0.1-45ppm [931-1320 µg/100g (foundation)]; Silver 0.034-0.147ppm; Candidiside phytochemicals (Aluminium, Benzaldehyde, Beta-sitosterol , Ferulic acid) 2246ppm; Water content 688000-942000ppm; Indications: water retention (2; KOM; MAD; PHR); root source of cobalamine; fruit source of cobalt 10.5ppm (Dr Duke’s Databases); Cannellini bean, canned in brine, drained (X1149) water content 73g/100g. Bean, haricot, seed, dried (X11) water content 11.3g/100g (NZ Food Composition); Prepared cannellini beans, water, salt (2113105) water content N/A; Beans, Dry, Pinto 0% moisture (747445) water content 0g/100g; Beans, pinto, mature seeds, raw (175199) water content 11.3g/100g (FoodData Central). 
[^^] “graff (4 of 4) noun. plural –s: a fosse…fortification especially as a moat” (Merriam-Webster). “fosse, n. canal, ditch, tench esp. in fortification…(FOSSIL)” (Pocket Oxford Dictionary, pub. ’52). RECALL, Food and Toy Safety: An American Crisis by Susie Hoeller (pub. Sep ’07)

[^^^] 'Potential' Vitamin K content in the EATRIGHT® Cookie products (pub. Feb’22) Nb. these are conservative calculations based on peer-reviewed published data [*********] for US dairy products. Currently seeking low cost full vitamin K2 qualitative testing for grass fed NZ dairy products since what (the milk producing cows) eat *matters*. (A self-substantiated general level health claim possibility? High cost systematic review process is required (Schedule 6—2, section 1.2.7—18))

[1] Common buckwheat ("other common names: brank, beechwheat" and silverhull): Fagopyrum esculentum Moench (GRIN: 16528) is a natural 'source of Rutin' ("Vitamin P" or reduction of capillary "permeability" vitamin). Ethnobotany use (buckwheat): *glaucoma* [tricky-to-find: ‘U’; IC009]; Syndrome: antiglaucomic (rutin 60mg/day et al); Activities (buckwheat): anticataract: ascorbic acid (350mg/day), methionine, niacin, quercetin, quercitrin, riboflavin (15mg/day), rutin, selenium 400ug/day), thiamine, tocopherol. Phytochemical & Ethnobotanical ‘AIL’ Databases by Dr J. Duke (pub '16)

Flavonoids and Antioxidative Activities in Buckwheat by B. Dave Oomah and Giuseppe Mazza (pub.'96) NB."Buckwheat contained an average of 387 and 1314 mg/100 g of flavonoid and 47 and 77 mg/100 g of rutin in the seed and hull. Activities: (Buckwheat) anti-CVI (or anti-type VI collagen antibodies) Ref: Physicians’ Desk Reference for Herbal Medicines, first ed. , Fleming et al (1998). 

Location...main source of variation for flavonoid and rutin contents of the seed". Common, (nascitur) or "popular plant-name" includes ‘beechwheaT considered 'nearly synonymous' with corresponding scientific name: fagopyrum (A.E. Attwood, M.A. p51, "forgottenbooks" reference. In New Zealand, buckwheat is valued as a “plant food", yet the same plant is considered ''in-vasive" in Alaksa. See contextually relevant, 'sophisticated' consumers.retailer.individuals, multi source connectivity: nu-vasive (Nu (letter): 13th in Greek alphabet, voiced alveolar nasal IPA (n). Nu (prefix) "at the present time..." (old English). E (prefix) e-vasive. Neuro- (brain, nerves, or nervous system) vision medical...)

[2] See also pharmacognosy (pharma-cog-nosy) or the study of plants and natural substances for medicinal purposes. Hence, the EATRIGHT® products have no added reconstituted “CMV” (complex of vitamins and minerals) in the product ingredient lists and “icing sugar”, often used in “RUFT” (ready-to-use therapeutic) food pastes, compacts or “RUSF” (ready-to-use supplementary food) is NOT used.

[3] Bioprospecting for Microbial Endophytes and Their Natural Products by Gary Strobel and Bryn Daisy (pub. Dec’03) and Fungal communities in the native New Zealand medicinal plant Pseudowintera colorata (Horopito) by Purushotham Balraj, Neeraj; Jones, Elizabeth; Monk, J; Ridgway, Hayley (pub. Dec’21)

[4] Vitamin B12 deficiencies "may result in pernicious anaemia and compromised neurodevelopment and brain function". Vitamin B12 deficiency. Nature Reviews Disease Primers, 3(1): 1–20. by Green, R et al. (pub. '17) New Zealand Food Composition Data (with scalable serving sizes and scientific names (yet mindful of: The use and limits of scientific names in biological informatics by David Remsen (pub. Jan’16) 

[5] FoodData Central, Foundation Food 

[*] or asterisk, is used to reference additional material (eg scientific citations or erudite research); [†] or obelisk, is used to reference archived material; [^] or caret, is used to insert additional meaning; [#] or number, is used to reference nutritional on-label or in-shop information

Plant contents (1) Intercellular water or capillary water or free water (FW) 6-16%; (2) Intracellular water or loosely bound water (LBW) 80-92%; (3) Cell wall water or strongly bound water (SBW) 1-6%. Investigation of bound and free water in plant-based food material using NMR T2 relaxometry by Md Imran H. Khan, R Mark Wellard, Szilvia Anett Nagy et al (pub. Dec’16)